Optical Quartz Glass



$ 20

Optical quartz glass featuring excellent optical performance is an ideal transparent material. The permeability of UV rays can be up to 85%–90%. It enables transmission of infrared and visible light. The infrared reflectivity can be up to 60%–70%.



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    • Product description
      • Commodity name: Optical Quartz Glass

      Optical quartz glass featuring excellent optical performance is an ideal transparent material. The permeability of UV rays can be up to 85%–90%. It enables transmission of infrared and visible light. The infrared reflectivity can be up to 60%–70%.

      Optical quartz glass featuring excellent optical performance is an ideal transparent material. The permeability of UV rays can be up to 85%–90%. It enables transmission of infrared and visible light. The infrared reflectivity can be up to 60%–70%. The purity is above 99.999%. It can stand temperature as high as 1050℃. Its thermal expansion coefficient is small, and its chemical stability is good. Its stripe, evenness, bubble and double refraction are better than ordinary quartz glass. It is a necessary optical material whose optical stability coefficient is high in severe environments. Piezoid, lens and prism and other shapes of products can be made as needed. It is widely applied to spatial technology, detection system, spectrum instrument, high-temperature window material, light guide communication and other industries. Common specifications include 100 * 100, 150 * 150, 200 * 200, etc. In addition, there are coated quartz plates, arc sheets, UV-permeable and IR-reflected, IR-permeable and UV-reflected, IR-reflected and UV-reflected, aluminum laminated films, etc. These products can be customized at the request of customers. 

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